The Legio-Wargames website and blog vanished into digital oblivion in December 2021 when the web host was bought up by Yell and they lost everything in the migration. I am now going through the slow process of building it back up. My first priority is to get the free downloadable rules back up on the site. In the meantime I will re-start the blog to focus on my wargaming activities from painting miniatures through to games played and scenarios devised.
In a couple of days I will be playing the English in a re-fight of Flodden (1513). To get ready I have been painting up a number of command bases in suitable dress for the early reign of King Henry VIII. They will lead units drawn from my Bosworth army (1485). Although the Scots had adopted the pike formations used in continental Europe, the English army at Flodden was made up of bill and bow contingents as they had been during the Wars of the Roses.

Sir Marmaduke Constable. The figures are a mix of converted Perry plastic Wars of the Roses miniatures with Warlord Games Landsknecht heads, The Assault Group (TAG) Tudor English and a Front Rank Wars of the Roses standard bearer.

Lord Dacre. TAG Tudor Border Horse with a Perry plastic mounted man at arms carrying Dacre's standard.
Glad to see you back.I also note that Baz at Caliver is selling your rules. Hurrah
I'm gutted for you that all your previous work has been lost in the ether but it's really good to see that the website and blog are back to be built on. I always enjoy seeing what you are working on and reading your comments on how you went about it, even though I normally see the models 'in the flesh' at some point :-)