Classical Ancients Wargames Scenarios
These scenarios below have been designed to support 'Alala!, Legio VI and Civitates Bellantes wargames rules so players can see how various forces might be composed and interpreted under the rules. They can easily be adapted for other rule sets. All scenarios are freely downloadable Pdfs.
5th - 4th C BC. A way of choosing army compositions for 'Alala! in non- or semi-historical games.
457 BC. A simple scenario for a fight between Spartans and Athenians at the start of the Peloponnesian War. An 'Alala! scenario.
425 BC. A small Athenian force defends against a Spartan amphibious landing. 'Alala! scenario.
418 BC. The fight for mastery over the Peloponnese between Sparta against Argos and Athens. An 'Alala! scenario.
362 BC. The epic clash of Theban and Spartans. An 'Alala! scenario.
338 BC. Athens and Thebes stand up to Macedonian expansion into Greece. An 'Alala! scenario.
317 BC. The first major battle between the successors of Alexander the Great. A Legio VI scenario.
280 BC. The first of Pyrrhus' battles against the Romans. The game involves a river crossing and deployment as well as a full scale battle. A Civitates Bellantes scenario.
206 BC. The decisive battle of the Second Punic War which drove the Carthaginians out of Spain. A Legio VI scenario. Cards for the alternative deployment may be downloaded here.

189 BC. Romans and Seleucid Macedonians fight it out for supremacy in Asia. The battle with a bit of everything: legionaries, pikemen, elephants, cataphracts and scythed chariots. A Legio VI scenario.
168 BC. Roman Legions and Macedonian Phalangites clash to decide the fate of the ancient world. A Civitates Bellantes scenario.
55 BC. Caesar's first invasion of Britain. A Legio VI scenario.
48 BC. The battle between Caesar and Pompey for mastery of Rome. A Legio VI scenario.