Legio-Wargames is devoted to my hobby of historical wargaming with miniature figures. In these pages you will find rules, tips, painting guides and game scenarios. There is also a liberal sprinkling of photographic eye candy. On these pages I will share my thoughts and ideas and hopefully give others some of the joy I have had from the hobby.
My great historical love has always been Romans, particularly the later Empire and early Dark Ages, and I have written several books about that period. I do, however, delve into other eras, particularly the Later Middle Ages and the European and American wars of the 17th-18th Centuries. I get as much joy out of raising and painting my armies as I do playing the actual games. In doing so it feels as if I am bringing to life the men who made history.
Simon MacDowall
My rules for Ancient Greek Hoplite warfare are now published by the Society of Ancients. They are available here.
An 'Alala! Facebook group can be joined here.
Tree of Battles - Italian Wars
I have posted a Quick Reference Sheet which extends Tree of Battles into the 16th Century for fighting the Italian Wars. They are available as a free download here.
New Scenarios (December 2024)
Full downloadable illustrated game scenarios including orders of battle and deployment maps:
Pylos 425 BC for 'Alala in Classical Ancients Scenarios
Tanagra 457 BC for "Alala! in Classical Ancients Scenarios
First Mantines 418 BC for "Alala! in Classical Ancients Scenarios
Chaeronea 338 BC for "Alala! in Classical Ancients Scenarios
Caesar's First Invasion of Britain 55 BC for Legio VI in Classical Ancients Scenarios.
Maldon AD 991 for Shieldwall in Early Medieval Scenarios.